That Frit Girl

That Frit Girl
Frit Happens...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Label Design Change and Free Advertising!

I'm slowly trying to change the design of the labels that I place on my frits...  I've been thinking that it would be fun to take advantage of the great talent out there and use pictures of artist's beads wherever possible.  Several of my frits already have multiple labels - sort of like a collectors' series :)

Each picture has credit to the artist attached, as well as the picture added as an example on my website as an example of the results that you can get with that particular color and the picture linked to the artist's website.  Free advertising at it's finest! 

I've always liked to have as many examples as possible to give everyone as good an idea as possible about a particular color, and different colors bring such a wide variety of talent.

If you'd like to take part in being a frit "poster child," simply email a picture of an example bead to me with dimentions of 600x600 or greater as well as your web or store info - whatever contact info that yo would like attached to that picture. 

There are so many wonderful lampworkers out there with so much talent to share.  I'd like to try to do something to try to benefit all of us.  Everyone has some eye candy to share whether we are seasoned lampworkers or just starting out.

My email for pictures is .

Jet's first days

Jet's first days