That Frit Girl

That Frit Girl
Frit Happens...

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Imagination is Key

Imagination is Key

I finally finished matching Spiral Dance's "Imagination," and without the Zimmerman or a recipe to go by here is the result! I think that I'm happy with it but please let me know how you feel :)

Completed Match

Paddles of the original "Imagination"

Side-by-side eyeball comparison. Keep in mind that some of the frits were obsolete so I had to make a couple of substitutions but I tried to keep it as close as possible...

Close-up of the reproduced blend

The reproduced blend

The original blend

The matching process again was tedious and challenging but still a lot of fun! I'm enjoying trying to bring back these beautiful old blends :) The final version of "Imagination is Key" can be found at

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Gems of the Dragon

Gems of the Dragon

I've been working on matching (or close to it) the old Spiral Dance blend "Dragon Gems." Here is what I've been able to come up with so far....
Completed Match

Paddles of the original "Dragon Gems"

Side-by-side eyeball comparison. Some of the frits were obsolete so I had to make a couple of substitutions but I tried to keep it as close as possible...

Close-up of the reproduced blend

The reproduced blend

The original blend

Close-up of the original blend

The matching process was tedious and challenging but a lot of fun! I'm enjoying trying to bring back these beautiful old blends :) The final version of "Gems of the Dragon" can be found at

Matches Made in Heaven!

I'm working on matching "Imagination." Have a passable eyeball match but will have to see what happens in the torch tomorrow. I think that both my eyeballs and my brain are mush! Made small test paddles of "Cleopatra," "Egyptian Gold," "Midnight Fiesta," and "Winter Magic" as well... then had to go shopping for more base frits :)

After I get "Imagination" completed I'll start working on "Cleopatra" and "Egyptian Gold." I need to try out a few more rich blues before I tackle either "Winter Magic" or "Midnight Fiesta," but I ordered a couple that I think might have potential.

As soon as I have results from "Imagination" I'll get them posted!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Message from Robert with Beads of Courage

Hi Folks,

The real skinny here is that we are seriously short of hand made artist beads in
Tucson. Sometimes it is hard to keep up with all of the special events and such but in the end it's your priceless Act of Courage beads that are the soul of Beads of Courage and we're critically low on them. I'm putting in extra studio time to get a batch out for next week and I'd like to ask everyone who can to do the same. These go out directly to the kids in hospitals across the country who really, really depend on that extra boost from their beads to make it through some pretty tough times. I was just in Tucson last week and the Act of Courage box was almost empty. Let's fill that sucker up!

Considering how many children we have enrolled in our programs now it's safe to assume that we are chronically short of artist beads to give them. When I visited HQ back in February we were down to a couple of dozen Act of Courage beads in stock with orders for several hundred. I just sent a box out myself last week and am working on the next batch.

Thanks for all you do for Beads of Courage!

Robert Simmons
Director for Bead Donations
Beads of Courage, Inc.

Bead Shortage!!!

OK, guys! There's a bead shortage for the kiddos and we. just. can't. have. that!

Add a BOC sample or two (up to 10!) to your order and make those beads! If you send me either the beads to anneal for you or send off in our batch, or just send in pictures you'll be entered in the drawing for Artisan of the Month, with a feature on my website just about you!

Come on and make those beads!!!

Jet's first days

Jet's first days