That Frit Girl

That Frit Girl
Frit Happens...

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Oh my goodness! It's national impotency month? Probably not the greatest influence for ideas for Beads of Courage ("Mommy! Look what I got" - oh dear), but who can pass up banana pudding? Adopt a Turkey? Peanut butter lovers? OMG! There are so many CRAZY cool ideas here! Not only will the kiddos go wild, but you'll laugh your @ss off just reading the list!!!

November Monthly Observances

Adopt A Senior Pet Month 
Adopt A Turkey Month
American & National Diabetes MonthAmerican Indian Heritage Month
Aviation History Month
Banana Pudding Lovers Month
Diabetic Eye Disease Month
Epilepsy Awareness Month
Family Stories Month 
Gluten-Free Diet Awareness MonthHistoric Bridge Awareness Month 
Lung Cancer Awareness Month
Manatee Awareness Month 
MADD's Tie One On For Safety Holiday Campaign (11/16-12/31)Military Family Appreciation Month 
National Adoption Month
National PPSI AIDS Awareness Month
National Alzheimer's Disease Month
National COPD Month 
National Diabetes MonthNational Entrepreneurship Month 
National Family Caregivers Month 
National Georgia Pecan MonthNational Healthy Skin Month 
National Home Care & Hospice Month 
National Impotency Month 
National Inspirational Role Models MonthNational Memoir Writing Month
National Long-term Care Awareness Month
National Marrow Awareness Month
National Medical Science Liaison (MSL) Awareness & Appreciation Month 
National Native American Heritage Month 
National Family Literacy Month
National Novel Writing Month 
National Peanut Butter Lovers Month 
National Pet Cancer Awareness Month
National Pomegranate Month 
National PPSI Aids Awareness Month
National Runaway Prevention Month 
National Scholarship Month 
NoSHAVEmber (US - Beard Month or Movember (Australia - Moustache Month )Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month 
Pet Diabetes Month 
Picture Book Month 
Prematurity Awareness Month 
PTA Healthy Lifestyles Month 
Stomach Cancer Awareness Month 
Sweet Potato Awareness Month 
Teff and Millet Month 
Vegan MonthWorldwide Bereaved Siblings MonthWorld Sponge Month 

November Weekly Observances

*National Fig Week: 1-7*National Patient Accessibility Week: 1-7
*World Communication Week: 1-7 Drowsy Driving Prevention Week: 2-9 
National Radiologic Technology Week: 2-8 
National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week: 3-9 
Give Wildlife A Brake! Week: 3-7 
*Dear Santa Letter Week: 7-13
Geography Awareness Week: 9-15 (2nd Full Week)National Nurse Practioner's Week: 9-15 
World Kindness Week: 10-16 (Always has the 13th in it)
National Young Reader's Week: 10-14  (2nd Full Week)
National Donor Sabath: 14-16 (The Fri.Sat.Sun. 2 Weeks Before Thanksgiving)National Hunger & Homeless Awareness Week: 15-23 
International Fraud Awareness Week: 16-22 
American Education Week: 17-21 (Always Week Before Thanksgiving)National Book Awards Week: 17-21
National Global Entrepreneurship Week: 17-23   National Farm-City Week: 21-27 (Week Always Ends on Thanksgiving Day)GERD Awareness Week: 23-29 (Week of Thanksgiving) 
National Bible Week: 23-30 (Sunday before Thanksgiving) 
National Game & Puzzle Week: 23-29 (Sunday-Saturday Thanksgiving Week)*Better Conversation Week: 24-30 (Always Thanksgiving Week)*Church/State Separation Week: 24-30National Family Week: 24-30
National Deal Week: 26-12/3 (Week begins on the Wed. aka day before Thanksgiving)

November Daily Observances

NOTE:  An * in front of the day means that the observance is on the same date every year regardless of the day it falls on.
*All Saints' Day: 1
*Dia de Los Muertos: 1 (Day of The Dead)
*Extra Mile Day: 1
*Give Up Your Shoulds Day: 1 
International Games Day (Libraries): 1 (Used to be Nov.10 and called Gaming Day) (Now always 1st Saturday)
*National Authors' Day: 1
*National Family Caregiver Day: 1
*National Family Literacy Day: 1
*National Go Cook For Your Pets Day: 1
*Prime Meridian Day: 1
Sadie Hawkins Day: 1 (See Note Below) 
 (Always First Saturday.  This is what Chase's Calendar put and so I stuck with that formula for this observance. But, a  Sadie Hawkins Dance can be held anytime a school or someone wants to have one.
 Also, some call Leap Year Day - Feb. 29 as Sadie Hawkins Day also because tradition states that women can ask the men to marry them on that  day.  To me, Leap Year Day is not Sadie Hawkins Day and they are two separate observances.
 Asking a guy to a dance is different than asking him to marry you. the cartoon strip, once the single gals caught their guys in the annual footrace, the men were forced to marry the gal that caught them aka a shotgun edding per se. ;)
 Hope this helps to clarify things a bit.
Digital Scrapbooking Day: 1 (First Saturday)
*World Vegan Day: 1
*All Souls Day: 2
*Cookie Monster Day: 2 (See also May 25)
Daylight Saving Time Ends: 2 (Turn Back One Hour)
*International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists: 2 
*Plan Your Epitaph Day: 2
Zero Tasking Day: 2 (First Sunday)
Ashura: 3
*Cliché Day: 3
Fill Our Staplers Day: 3 (Also March 11. Always Day after Daylight Savings Ends)
*Sandwich Day: 3 
Traffic Directors Day: 3 (First  Monday)
Job Action Day: 3 (First Monday)
*National Chicken Lady Day: 4
*Use Your Common Sense Day: 4
Election Day: 4
*International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict: 6
National Men Make Dinner Day: 6 Must Cook. No BBQ Allowed!  :)  (First  Thursday)
*National Nachos Day: 6
*Saxophone Day: 6
*National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day: 7 
National Medical Science Liaison Awareness & Appreciation Day: 7 (First Friday)
*Abet and Aid Punsters Day: 8
*Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day: 8
Domino Day: 11 (2nd Friday. But it could be on 2nd Sat also.)
*Dunce Day: 8 
*National Parents As Teachers Day: 8
*X-ray Day: 8
*Kristallnacht: 9-10
*World Freedom Day: 9
*Area Code Day: 10
*Marine Corps Birthday: 10
*Sesame Street Day: 10
*Windows Day (Microsoft): 10
 World Orphans Day: 10 (2nd Monday)
*World Science Day for Peace and Development: 10 
*Death/Duty Day: 11
Diwali: 11 (This varies every year. See link.)
National Young Reader's Day: 11 (2nd Tuesday)
*Origami Day: 11
*Veterans Day: 11
*Baha'u'llah Day: 12
*Fancy Rat & Mouse Day: 12
World Architecture Day: 12
*World Kindness Day: 13
*International Girls Day: 14
*Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day: 14
*National American Teddy Bear Day: 14
*National Spicy Guacamole Day: 14
*National Pickle Day: 14
*Operating Room Nurse Day: 14
*Spirit of NSA (National Speakers Association) Day: 14
*World Diabetes Day: 14
*America Recycles Day: 15
*I Love to Write Day: 15
*National Bundt (Pan) Day: 15
*National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day: 15
 National Day of Play: 15 (3rd Saturday)
*National Philanthropy Day: 15 
Playmobil's National Day of Play: 15 (3rd Saturday)
Guinness World Record Day: 15 (Third Saturday)
*Rock Your Mocs Day: 15 
*International Day for Tolerance: 16
*National Button Day: 16 
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims: 16 (3rd Sunday)
*Homemade Bread Day: 17
*National Unfriend Day: 17
*Petroleum Day: 17 
*World Prematurity Awareness Day: 17
*European Antibiotic Awareness Day: 18 
*Married To A Scorpio Support Day: 18
National Entrepreneurship Day: 18 (Third Tuesday)
*Mickey Mouse Day: 18
*Push-button Phone Day: 18
*American Made Matters Day: 19 
*Equal Opportunity Day (aka Gettysburg Address Day): 19 
GIS Day (Geographic Information Systems) : 19  (3rd Wednesday)
*Have A Bad Day Day: 19
*International Men's Day: 19
National Educational Support Professionals Day: 19 (Wednesday of week before Thanksgiving)
*Rocky and Bullwinkle Day: 19
Women's Entrepreneurship Day: 19
*World Toilet Day: 19
*African Industrialization Day: 20
*Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day aka G.O.H.A.R.D.: 20
Great American Smokeout: 20 (Thursday before Thanksgiving)
*Name Your PC Day: 20
*National Peanut Butter Fudge Day: 20
*Transgender Day of Remembrance: 20
*Universal Children's Day: 20
Use Less Stuff Day: 20 (Thursday of Week Before Thanksgiving)
*Alascattalo Day (About Alaska & humor): 21
*Beaujolais Nouveau Day: 21
*World Hello Day: 21
*World Television Day: 21
*Humane Society Anniversary Day: 22
Family Volunteer Day: 22 (Saturday of Weekend Before Thanksgiving)
International Aura Awareness Day:22  (4th Saturday)
National Adoption Day: 22 (Saturday before Thanksgiving)
National Survivors of Suicide Day (Saturday before Thanksgiving)22
*Doctor Who Day: 23
*Fibonacci Day: 23
*International Image Consultant Day: 23
Mother Goose Day: 23 (Sunday Before Thanksgiving. Different than the one in May.)
*Brownielocks Day: 24 
*Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day: 24
*D.B. Cooper Day: 24 
*International Day For the Elimination of Violence Against Women Day: 25
*International Hat Day: 25 
*Blase´Day: 25
*Shopping Reminder Day: 25
Tie One On Day: 26 (Day Before Thanksgiving)
*National Day of Listening: 27
 National Day of Mourning: 27 (Thanksgiving Day)
Thanksgiving Day: 27
Turkey-free Thanksgiving: 27
Black Friday: 28
Fur Free Friday: 28 
Buy Nothing Day: 28 (First Shopping Day After Thanksgiving) 
Flossing Day: 28 (Always Day After Thanksgiving)
Maize Day: 28 (Day After Thanksgiving)
National Day of Listening: 28 (Day after Thanksgiving)
National Native American Heritage Day: 28 (Always Day After Thanksgiving)
Sinkie Day: 28
(Some call it "The Sink Day" when you eat over the sink all the Thanksgiving leftovers.
The definition says "It's the day after thanksgiving." )
You're Welcomegiving Day: 28  (Always Day After Thanksgiving)
*Electronic Greetings Day: 29
*International Day of Solidarity With The Palestinian People: 29
*National Day of Giving: 29 (Last Saturday)
Small Business Saturday: 29 (First Saturday After Thanksgiving)
*Square Dancing Day: 29 
*Computer Security Day: 30
*National Meth Awareness Day: 30 
*Stay Home Because You're Well Day: 30

1 comment:

Jet's first days

Jet's first days